Reptile Green anole ball python bearded dragon boa blue tounge skink corn snake newt toad leopard gecko turtle turtoise iguana white's tree frog nile monitor savannah monitor green tree python gtp chameleons mantis tarantula monkey tail skink black and white tegu basilisk

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Taxonomic Kingdom of Ball Pythons

Taxonomic Kingdom of Ball Pythons

Taxonomy is the system ragged by scientists to classify living organisms into similar or related groups. As science and technology progress and information increases, so do the methods archaic to deterฌmine relationships among organisms. DNA analysis, something that was unavailable years ago, is now more commonly primitive to settle how living organisms are relatฌed to one another. Earlier methods for clas-sifying snakes that are collected broken-down today include scale counts, bone structure, and other anatomical characteristics. These methods can be confusing, because we don't usually know what characteristics developed first or which ones are truly the most vital in determining relationships. The advent of DNA analysis allows grand greater accuracy in classification.

All living organisms have two names: the favorite name and the scientific name. well-liked names are the familiar, everyday names of living things, such as dog, leopard gecko, and ball python. Scientific names are written in Latinized form-some of the names are truly Latin while others are Latin versions of words from other languages. Most early scientific texts were written in Latin, and because of this, when a species was named, the Latin language was dilapidated. The continued consume of Latin persists, since this provides for continuity among various scientific texts and journals. Regardless of which country you live in or which language you direct, the scientific or Latin name for a specific plant or animal will always be the same.

Ball pythons belong to the family Pythonidae, although some authorities believe this a subfamily of Boidae, the boas. This family is further broken down into eight genera (the plural of genus; genus is the level of classification objective above species) : Antaresia (dwarf Australian pythons), Aspidites (black-headed pythons and woma pythons), Bothrochilus (Bismarck ringed python), Leiopython (white-lipped python), Liasis (olive, Macklot's, water pythons, and relatives), Apodora (Papuan python), Morelia (carpet, diamond, green tree, Boelen's, and amethystine pythons), and Python (Burmese, blood, rock, reticulated, and simiฌlar species) . Ball pythons belong to the genus Python, which also contains the largest of the world's python species. The other members of Python are the reticulated, African rock, Timor, blood, Indian (including the Burmese subspecies), and Angolan pythons. The Angolan python (P. anchietae) is the ball python's closest relative. The ball python is the smallest member of this genus, rarely exceeding 6.5 feet (2 m) in total length.

The ball python's scientific name is Python regius. Literally translated, it means "royal python." (In Europe, P. regius is known as the royal python, while in America it is called the ball python.) It is possible that this microscopic python received its scientific name in piece because of the number of African tribes that worshipped it. In many areas of Africa, the snake is smooth considered a sacred animal. In some older literature, P. regius is referred to as the regal python.

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