Ball Python Genetics 101 - 2
Advanced Genetic Definitions
Allele - either of the two paired genes which can affect an inheritable trait (one from the father, one from the mother) . A wild type allele, together with another wild type alleles, produces a normal individual. A changed, or mutant, allele can block or divert a biochemical pathway to develop a phenotype that is different from the wild type.
Locus - a gene or allele's residence on a chromosome (plural: loci) Most mutations appear on separate Locations of the chromosome. Allowing multiple mutant allele to be in dwelling at once. Allowing for Double, Triple and perhaps endless combinations of genetic traits.
Amelanistic - having no melanin. (Albinos)
Axanthic - having no yellow color. (Axanthics)
Hypomelanistic - an animal having less sunless and/or brown color than a wild-type. (Ghosts)
Leucistic - a pure white animal with sunless eyes. (Leucys)
Melanistic - abnormally sunless, especially due to an increase of melanin. (Sables)
Xanthic - having more yellow color than wild-type. ("Caramel" Albino)
elegant Form- commonly ancient Ball Python term for the (homozygous) dominant compose of a co-dominant mutation. natty Cinnamon, well-kept Pastel, well-organized Phantom, trim Enchi Pastel
P generation - two modern animals that inaugurate a breeding program.
F1 generation - first generation offspring of a P generation breeding.
F2 generation - second generation offspring resulting from orginal P generation breeding. The offspring of two F1s.
F3 generation - third generation offspring resulting from orginal P generation breeding. The offspring of two F2s.
So there are the most common breeds out there accurate now. These babies arrive with a high impress most of the time as well, so fetch ready to shell out if you want some.
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