Reptile Green anole ball python bearded dragon boa blue tounge skink corn snake newt toad leopard gecko turtle turtoise iguana white's tree frog nile monitor savannah monitor green tree python gtp chameleons mantis tarantula monkey tail skink black and white tegu basilisk

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Feeding Rats and Mice

Feeding Rats and Mice

Mice and rats eat grains, oats, seeds, bran, bread, vegetables, fruit, left overs, cat food, dog biscuits, rabbit and guinea pig meal ~ all lawful they eat fair about anything! This makes them the cheapest and easiest pet to feed.

Ironically you should never feed cheese to mice or rats. They shouldn't have any diary products as they can be lactose intolerant. This will cause them to accept stomach upsets which can effect a miniature animal very ill.

You should never feed them raw meat either but they do like cooked chicken and chops which they can engage up and eat with their paws. Feeding a mouse or rat raw meat may cause the spread of disease and may help them to bite you more. To avoid being bitten by your pet mouse or rat save an antibacterial sanitizer on your hands before handling them. The distinctive smell will be enough to withhold your pet from biting you.

You can give your pet mouse or rat leftovers but it is best to give them a top quality seed and grain mix which is specially designed with the true balance of nuts and seeds. Nibble blocks are also available that are concentrated and they construct less mess in the cage. Rats appreciate sunflower seeds but they are rotund of fatty oils and will form your rat plump! Like all animals, being over weight is unpleasant for their joints and will lead to diseases of the heart and liver.

The better the quality, the less you will have to feed your pet and the less wastage there will be too.

Too many watery fruits will cause an unpleasant mess in their cages and may cause diarrhea. However, mice and rats need a varied and consuming diet but don't over do it. Give them the scraps from your dinner plate as long as it is healthy food and in diminutive amounts.

Bread is another pleasurable source of vitamins and minerals. I give my mice and rats the crusts of wholegrain or rye loaves. It is corpulent of nutrients and the rats and mice indulge in the challenge of handling the tall pieces of bread. They trudge them around the cage and into tunnels.

Dog biscuits are fleshy of extra protein and should be given to female rats and mice when they are having their young. There is no need for expensive supplements. Cooked meat will also supply extra protein and you can unprejudiced win some from your dinner plate without having to go to any grief.

Junk food is objective as abominable for your mouse and rat as it is for you. So don't give them any! Chocolate, fries, potato chips, lollies, caffeine will cause your pet mouse or rat serious health problems.

Both rats and mice appreciate to gnaw on wood. There are prepared treats you can remove from your local pet store for a few dollars. If you have access to fruit trees these can be fair as generous. The wood of the tree will fill the taste of the fruit. So apple tree branches will have an apple taste. reduce some off and give them to your rats and mice to gnaw on. This will give provide them with considerable stimulation and also relive the need to chew on their cage!

Salt licks are as well-known as wood gnaws in my understanding. They provide principal minerals and nutrients that your rat or mouse will need especially in hot weather. They are like a sports drink for your pet, replacing well-known minerals when your pet has become dehydrated from over heating.

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